Trademark Registration
What is a trade mark?
In simple terms, trademark is a brand or logo which represents your business. A Trademark means a mark capable of being represented graphically and which is capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one company from those of others. A trademark is a visual image, which might be a word, name, device, mark or numerals utilized by a business to recognize it products or services from others. Trademark Registration protects your company from being misused by any third party. Trademark is essential for any kind of business or brand in India. Web Based Startup dependably needs to secure their logo, even Trademark secure your Website Domain, Logo, and Word mark etc.
A Trademark includes a device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, and shape of goods, packaging or any combination thereof, So your trademark is studiously created identity of your goods or service of your company. Trademark makes and holds clients. We can say your trademark result in building the image of the company which at long last forms the goodwill of your corporate.
Advantages of trademark Registration.
Ø Trademark registration distinguishes the goods or service from others.
Ø Trademark Registration India ensures its worth
Ø Trademark Registration promotes the goods or services of the company
Ø Trademark Registration in India makes great image for the goods/brand
Ø Trademark Registration gives the owner exclusive right to use the brand.
Ø Protects earned goodwill in the business.
Ø Gives your products a status of 'Branded Goods'.
Ø Power to assign (transfer) the trade mark to others for consideration.
Ø The trademark would be important non tangible asset for your business and contributes to the goodwill.
Ø With registered trademark you can stop others from using your trademarked business name / logo etc with regards to goods or services it is registered
Ø Trademark can considered just like any other form of asset, as it can be sold, licensed or assigned
Ø It guarantees the identity of the origin of goods and services.
Ø It stimulates further purchase.
Ø It serves as a badge of loyalty and affiliation.
Ø It may enable consumer to make a life style or fashion statement.
A trademark registration gives an assurance to the proprietor of the brand. The following can be registered as a trade mark but a mark must be distinctive and capable of distinguishing your goods or services from others
- letters
- words
- names
- signatures
- labels
- devices
- tickets
- shapes
- colors
- sounds
- smell
Or any combination of these elements.