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Patent Registration Coimbatore

Friday, 08-March-2019

What is a Patent?

A patent is a grant from the Government which confers on the grantee for a limited period of time the exclusive privilege of making, selling and using the invention for which a patent has been granted and also of authorizing others to do so Patent Registration Coimbatore.

A patent granted under the Act confers upon the patentee where the patent is for an article or a substance, the exclusive right by himself, his agents or licensees to make, use, exercise, sell or distribute such article or substance in India and where the patent is for a method or process of manufacturing an article or substance, the exclusive right by himself, his agents or licensees to use or exercise the method or process in India. The patents granted under the Act are operative in the whole of India Patent Registration Coimbatore.

Ordinary Application :-


An application for patent made in the Patent Office without claiming any priority of application made in a convention country or without any reference to other application under process in the office is called an ordinary application Patent Registration Coimbatore.


Convention Application :-

When an applicant comes to the patent office with an application claiming a priority date based on a similar application filed in one of the convention country, it is called a convention application (by virtue of Paris Convention). To get a convention status an applicant should file the application in Indian patent office within twelve months from the date of first filing of a similar application in the convention country. A convention application should be accompanied by a complete specification Patent Registration Coimbatore.